Carlos Sargedas was born in Sesimbra in 1960. He was born into a family linked to the arts, where for generations his ancestors were people of some importance in Opera, Music, Cinema, Radio, Theater and Television.

He started at age 8 in cinema. Later, at the age of 12, he went through radio theatre, and on several stages

alongside some of the biggest names in Portuguese theater until he was 18 as an actor. He then moved backstage where he worked in various theaters and, where he was regularly stage director, spot, sound and lighting assistant. He learned a lot about stage and backstage art where he ended his activity at Teatro Maria Matos, where he took his first steps in photography. Today, he has 42 years of activity linked to photography, video and film productions. Producer, director of documentaries, some of them internationally awarded and with some photography works distinguished around the world.

Several books published on the Arrábida Region, having twice received the “Personality of the Year” award by the then Costa Azul Tourism Region and later Turismo de Lisboa, for his work in promoting the Arrábida Region and the country across borders.

Over the years of his profession, he stood out for the ease of adapting to the needs of his clients, having stood out for having several professional skills, in the areas of video and aerial, underwater, underground, studio, gastronomy, fashion, Portrait and Industrial, having also taken several professional photo and video courses to better support your professional activity, being able to offer your experience in different areas of activity.

In 2011, the Municipal Assembly of Sesimbra awarded him the highest Cultural Prize in the Municipality, the “Prémio Espichel” for his work, cultural and artistic dynamism. In the last 20 years, he has been dedicated to the promotion of promotional films, having received several awards at international festivals in Greece, Poland, Mexico, Indonesia, USA, Canada, Brazil, France, Serbia, Czech Republic, Turkey, India, Indonesia and Israel. Having won a festival in Hollywood with the 4 main prizes with his documentary “Cabo Espichel em Terras do Mundo Perdido” which has won 20 grand prizes so far. Contributor to several national and international magazines; Various Workshops and presentations at various Universities and Professional Institutes.

In September 2019 and 2024 he received the “Ambassadors Awards” for his work and promotion of Brazil in Europe. The awards given by the magazine Radar Vip do Brasil. “Visão” Magazine distinguished him as the “D. Quixote “do Cabo Espichel for his civic intervention in the defense of the built heritage with more than 600 years of history, the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora do Cabo Espichel having managed to gather in a single event, more than 4000 people who claimed this intervention. Today, after a few years, it is with pride that it sees this heritage gradually being reclassified.

It was this Cape Espichel that gave the name to the Finisterra festival, a festival that he founded and its director is not only the organizer.

The Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival, a festival was created twelve years ago to promote the international promotion of the Arrábida region to the world of cinema and to support Arrábida's candidacy for UNESCO World Heritage status.

The festival has its 12th edition between the 6rd and 10th of October in Sesimbra. He is also the founder, organizer and director of the Finisterra Brazil Film Art & Tourism Festival, which had its 3rd edition in 2 to 9 of September 2024 in Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil.

Director Finisterra Arrábida Film Art & Tourism Festival in Portugal

Director Finisterra Brasil Film Art & Tourism Festival in Brazil

President and founder of Arrábida Film Commission

Member and founder of Porto Seguro Film Commission in Brazil Member of the Portuguese Film Academy.

Member of the Jury of Arraial Cinefest, Brazil.

Member of the Selection Board for the Aquila Awards, Portugal.

Member of the jury of the Amorgos Tourism Film Festival, Greece.

Member of the Jury in 3 in 1at the Almeirim Film Festival, Portugal.

Member of the Jury at Uluslararası Turizm Filmleri Festivali in Turkey.

Member of the Jury at Art &Travel International Film Festival in Georgia 

He Vice-President of Cinetour / International Committee of Thematic of Sustainable Thematic Film Festivals, one of the largest film festival consortia in the world. President of the Rotary Club of Sesimbra, having been distinguished several times for his work.

Producer and Director of the 14 Videoclips of the Project “Children for Peace” by the Italian composer Davide Zaccarias. Project that brings together some of the biggest names in Portuguese music.  

He is also currently co-producing the TV series "On A Quest…Exploring Portugal", by Hollywood producer and director Jaswant Shrestha, winner of an Emmy's in 2022. Series entirely made in Portugal with the support of several Film Commissions, which will soon premiere on several international television channels, showing the world in 10 episodes, Portugal in a cinematographic vision, also promoting the country for major cinematographic productions.